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Farm Classes Results
October 2021


1. H Emmett

2. R and D Bush

3. J Jennings

3. G Lacey

Kings Cup

1. Mash

Large Farm

1. Connell Partnership

2. Kensham Farm

3. Portman Burtley

4. Rayner Farms

Medium Farm

1. Mash

2. Morris

3. Whitby

Small Farm

1. Lacey

2. Swerling

3. Chapman

4. Dodwell

Under 100ac

1. Ashby


1. Bailey Hill

2. Lacey's Farm Shop

3. Kensham

Stock Farm

1. Bailey Hill

2. EJ Lacey

3. J&S Whitby

Cultivated Farm

1. Connell

2. S Morris

3. Whitby

Farm Conservation

1. Portman Burtley


3. WC Emmett

Dairy Herd

1. EJ Lacey

Dairy Youngstock

1. J & S Whitby

Pedigree Beef 

1. Mash

2. Portman

3. Chapman

Commercial Beef

1. Swerling

2. Portman

3. Dodwell

Beef Enterprise

1. Chapman

2. Whitby

3. Portman

Beef Youngstock

1. Mash

2. Portman

3. McDermott


1. Swerling

2. Portman Burtley


1. D Emmett

Peas or Beans

1. W Emmett

2. Mash

W Wheat

1. Mash

2. Morris

3. Kensham

W Barley

1. Lacey

2. Whitby

3. Connell

W Oats

1. W Emmett

Spring Wheat

1. Connell

2. W Emmett

Spring Barley

1. Connell

2. Swerling

3. Rayner

 Spring Oats

1. W.Emmett

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